Associate companies list...All activitiesSurface treatment & protectionSuppliersHonorary membersCollaborative partnersPropulsion SystemsSpecific vessel services according to typologyConstruction and repair servicesSecurity, salvage and F.C.Auxiliary MachineryEnabling - AccomodationStructureVessel hull & dexk equipmentElectricity, electronics & automationShipyardsShipownersAll regionsA CoruñaBarcelonaMadridOurensePontevedraDefault orderName (A - Z)Name (Z - A)360 Integra Data S.L.A y F Servicios Jurídicos S.L.P.Abanca MarAbance Ingeniería y Servicios S.L.Aimen (Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste)Aislamientos SOAMAR S.L.Aister (Aislamientos Térmicos de Galicia S.A. )Alttion DepisaAlttion Siasa NorteAmura Reparaciones Náuticas S.L.Aplicaciones de Informática de AEVigo S.L.Armon Burela S.A.Armon Vigo S.A.Astillero Blascar – A Graña S.L.Astillero San Enrique S.L.Astilleros y varaderos Lago AbeijónAsvagre – Astilleros y varaderos San Gregorio, S.L.Asvisa – Astilleros de Vigo, S.A.Autoridad Portuaria de Ferrol-San CibraoAutoridad Portuaria de Vigo123…8›ActividadesShipownersShipyardsElectricity, electronics & automationVessel hull & dexk equipmentStructureEnabling - AccomodationAuxiliary MachinerySecurity, salvage and F.C.Construction and repair servicesSpecific vessel services according to typologyPropulsion SystemsCollaborative partnersHonorary membersSuppliersSurface treatment & protectionProvinciasA CoruñaBarcelonaMadridOurensePontevedraGhenova Ingeniería Group, S.L.Construction and repair servicesSeatech Consulting S.L.Construction and repair servicesAlttion DepisaSurface treatment & protectionCogaltra S.L.StructureEureka Global S.L.Construction and repair services123…30›