Galicia, a Potency of the Naval Industry


Pushing forward the navigation of tomorrow

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Interested in boosting your business?

25th Anniversary of ACLUNAGA_Highlights of the event

Our training programs

Check our training courses and choose the one that suits you better.

Take a look at job offers of the naval sector

ACLUNAGA offers up to date information of job offers from our members, in order to facilitate the interaction of our companies with required professional profiles.

Representing the Galician naval industry in the next international events

Expomaritt Exposhipping Istambul
18 Feb al 21 Feb
Colombiamar 2025. Cartagena de Indias
12 Mar al 14 Mar
GMT by Aclunaga nº12 (English)

GMT Magazine by Aclunaga

It serves as a platform for members to publish technical and specialised articles free of charge on current issues, projects, and challenges in the sector. The magazine is published both in English and Spanish to reach all of our contacts.

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