
Aclunaga stands out as the naval association with the most international presence worldwide. This effort and capacity for commercial presence is based on the premises of Aclunaga's objectives, which are to highlight and promote its member companies against their competitors, improving their economic results in terms of exports and the provision of services for third countries.

Aclunaga provides its members with a dedicated, involved, and committed team focused on achieving the stated objectives.

From the submission of grants for intermediary organisations to the advising and preparation of individual applications, as well as the Association's presence at relevant national and international events to showcase the capabilities of our members, more than 30 international events and venues are attended annually, both with companies and as a joint sector representation.

The achievement has been so significant that 45% of Aclunaga's members now have international business, compared to just 17% in 2010.

Current and future actions

Expomaritt Exposhipping Istambul

Expomaritt Exposhipping Istambul

18 Feb al 21 Feb
Expomaritt Exposhipping de Estambul es la feria más importante que se celebra en la ciudad de Estambul.
Colombiamar 2025. Cartagena de Indias

Colombiamar 2025. Cartagena de Indias

12 Mar al 14 Mar
ACLUNAGA asistirá como en las últimas ediciones con una amplia representación de empresas
Sea Asia 2025

Sea Asia 2025

27 Mar al 27 Mar
La décima edición se celebrará en Singapur el próximo mes de marzo de 2025
Misión Comercial a Canadá

Misión Comercial a Canadá

1 May

Misión Comercial a Canadá. 2025


Misión comercial a Indonesia 2025

Misión comercial a Indonesia 2025

1 Jun

Misión comercial a Indonesia 2025


Past actions

Salón Halieutis 2025. (7ª edición)

Salón Halieutis 2025. (7ª edición)

El Salón Halieutis es un escaparate internacional para seis segmentos : flotas y equipamientos, valorización y proceso, institucional, internacional, animación e innovación. También es un observatorio de tendencias e innovaciones que reúne a líderes mundiales proactivos y atentos a las tendencias de consumo.
ExpoNaval 2024

ExpoNaval 2024

ACLUNAGA will be present at the event with a total of 7 companies and it will be celebrated from 3 to 6 of December 2024.
International Workboat Show

International Workboat Show

ACLUNAGA will be present in this event from 12 to 14 of November with its own stand and accompanied by 6 other companies.Visit us at stand 1649.


EURONAVAL is the most important event for the naval industry and navies worldwide. Aclunaga attends the fair with 9 associated companies.


We will be present at the fair representing the sector and providing consultancy services to the 7 Aclunaga member companies attending the fair. You will find us at stand 2520


Present at the fair representing the sector, ACLUNAGA attends with other 17 member companies providing them with consulting services. You can find us at stand B7.241
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