Article 7. Requirements.

In order to acquire the status of full member, the following requirements must be met:

    1. Have a registered office in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.
    2. That its total or partial turnover comes directly or indirectly from the naval or maritime sector.
    3. That its activity is integrated within the value chain of the naval and maritime sector.
    4. The associates, natural persons, must be of legal age or emancipated minors with capacity to act and not be subject to disqualification or legal condition for the exercise of the right.
    5. Minors over 14 years of age who are not emancipated need the documented consent of the persons who must make up for their capacity.
    6. Legal entities of an associative nature shall require the express agreement of their competent body, and those of an institutional nature shall require the agreement of their governing body.
  • Article 8. Class of Members

The following types of members may exist within the association:

a) Founding members: are those who once signed the Founding Act.

b) Honorary members: are those members who are appointed with honorary character by the General Assembly, having voice in this one but not vote, being exonerated of payment of any quota.

c) Numerary members: will be those who are accepted by the General Assembly to join the Association after its constitution, provided that they meet the requirements established in these Statutes.

d)Collaborating or cooperating partners:are those members who carry out activities of collaboration with the Association, but who will not have the right to vote in the Assemblies, and must also be appointed by the General Assembly, paying, if necessary, the fee set by the latter.

  • Article 9. Loss of associate status.

1.- Associate status is lost:

a) By their own will, which will be made effective by submitting a resignation, in writing, to the Board of Directors and addressed to the secretariat of the Association. The resignation must be made two months before the leave becomes effective.

The associate will be obliged to pay the corresponding fees during the following two months and the economic commitments acquired prior to his resignation.

b) For non-payment of six quotas, which will be effective from the notification of the agreement adopted by the Board of Directors, to the stakeholder.

A member who has lost his or her status due to the situation described in the previous section may be reinstated as a member if the outstanding fees are paid within six months of notification.

c) For failure to comply with these Statutes or with the agreements validly adopted by the organs of the Association, as well as for carrying out actions that seriously damage the interests of the Association.

d) By death of the natural person or extinction of the legal person.

2.- The expulsion of associates in the cases of sections b) and c) of the previous paragraph, will be agreed by the Board of Directors, after the hearing of the interested associate. The expulsion agreement must be ratified by the Extraordinary General Assembly and against its resolution, it can be appealed before the ordinary jurisdiction.

3.- Members who lose their membership status will also lose any rights to the association’s heritage.

4.- If a member wishes to regain his or her membership, he or she must write to the Board of Directors, following the same procedure as for the admission of a new member.

  • Article 10. Rights..

1.- Members have the following rights:

a) To participate in the General Assembly with voice and vote as long as they are up to date with their financial obligations to the association.

b) Being elected to the Board of Directors.

c) Receive from the association the established services and be part of the committees and working groups that are created to study and propose matters of general interest or specific to an activity.

d) To receive, through the General Assembly, sufficient information on the development and economic progress of the association.

e) Any member may also, at his own expense, audit the annual accounts of the association, even if they have already been audited by an independent auditor commissioned by the association.

f) To delegate their representation to attend the General Assembly to another member or to the President or Secretary of the Assembly, being able to make this delegation in writing sent to the President of the Association, or by fax or e-mail.

g) To intervene and express freely, both in writing and verbally, any matter affecting the Association, as long as it complies with the rules and regulations.

h) To intervene, in accordance with the legal and statutory regulations, in the economic management of the Association.

i) Exercise all the actions and resources that it considers pertinent in defense of its interests and urge the Association to bring the actions and resources that it considers appropriate for the defense of the interests that should be protected by the Association.

j) To be heard before disciplinary measures are taken against them and to be informed of the facts giving rise to such measures, with reasons being given for any agreement to impose the penalty.

k) To challenge the agreements of the association’s bodies that it deems to be contrary to the law or the statutes.

2.- The right to vote and to stand for election may not be exercised by members that don´t keep with the social contribution.

3.- Honorary members may not intervene in the management of the association or in its representative bodies, but may attend meetings with voice but without vote.

  • Article 11. Obigations.

The obligations of the associates are:

a) Participate in the election of representatives to the Association’s governing bodies.

b) Comply with and fulfil the present Statutes and other founding agreements, as well as the agreements legally adopted by the Association’s governing bodies.

c) To fulfil and facilitate the development of the aims of the Association within the highest standards of professional and business ethics.

d) Collaborate, as far as possible, in the activities of the Association.

e) To pay the ordinary and extraordinary quotas, and spills that are agreed by the Assembly of members.

f) To perform the duties for which they were elected with the diligence of a legal and responsible representative.

g) Not to commit with own actions the actions undertaken by the Association, based on the agreements of the competent governing bodies of the same.

h) To provide the Association with the information, documentation and collaboration required for the fulfilment of the planned objectives.

i) Attend the Assemblies and other events organized by the Association.

  • Article 13. Organisation of the Association.

Los órganos de gobierno y representación de la Asociación son la Asamblea General y la Junta Directiva, que adoptarán sus acuerdos de conformidad con el principio mayoritario o de democracia interna.

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