Moreira Facturing S.L.


Talleres Navales Ruiz, founded in 1912 as a family business dedicated to the manufacture of boilers and steam engines for vessels. Subsequently, it was acquired in 1992 by Don Benito Moreira González, who had also been running Talleres y Montajes Moreira since 1975. This union boosted the business to adapt to the needs of the market. In 2006, Benito Moreira took over the management of Talleres y Fundiciones Navales, known as Tuycalde. Currently, the group of companies has material and technical resources, approvals and certifications, and a highly qualified Central Technical Office, using advanced computer programmes for drawings, production management, calculations and organisation.

STRUCTUREElements and structural partsTurnkey block manufacture
STRUCTUREElements and structural partsTurnkey block manufacture
STRUCTUREElements and structural partsManufacturing of block sections
STRUCTUREElements and structural partsManufacture of curved block sections
STRUCTUREElements and structural partsManufacture of idlers and other elements of the structure (belt, fenders, bulwarks, railings, guard rails, hatches)
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesSteel doors
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesWindows, portholes, louvres, etc.
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesHatches, manholes, ladders, etc.,. for own tanks
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesOther elements/accessories: keyboards, floors, platforms, handrails, masts, etc.
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTDeck equipmentPlanks, ladders, access ladders, etc.
ACCOMMODATIONAir conditioning and space ventilationA.A. and ventilation ducts, grid and other components
VESSEL-SPECIFIC SERVICESSanitary A.S. A.D. and Waste WaterVacuum systems
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