Towards the intelligent Digital Twin: technological and economic optimization in the company. The Twin NavAux project
December 18, 2024

The Twin NavAux project, 75% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal POCTEP 2021 - 2027 Program, focuses on promoting the use of Digital Twin in the Naval Auxiliary Industry of Galicia and Northern Portugal.
El próximo día 18 de diciembre de 2024 se desarrollará en Porto, en las instalaciones del CATIM (Centro de Apoio Tecnológico à Indústria Metalomecânica) una jornada divulgativa en torno al Digital Twin en la industria.
Participants will be able to get in touch with real development cases of Gemelo Digital and will also learn about the current status of the three pilots that the Twin NavAux project is developing for three manufacturing companies in the Euroregion of Galicia - North of Portugal.
Attendance, both remotely and in person, is free, but requires prior registration before December 17, 2024.
Check the program and register by clicking on the button below.