Soermar (Centro Tecnológico)
Collaborative partners

In 1988, the need to apply technology in the manufacture of fishing vessels led to the creation of the Soermar Technological Centre, to help small and medium-sized shipyards in the design and construction of vessels with the most advanced technology in the sector.
In 2002, the Soermar Technological Centre Foundation was set up, with the aim of seeking new joint lines of action in technical and technological matters to improve the competitiveness of the shipyards.
Likewise,the C.T. Soermar Foundation collaborates actively in the academic field through the Soermar-UPM Chair, developing technical conferences, promoting collaboration between university and company through scholarship programmes, awards, webinars, etc.
In the specific field of R+D+i of the Shipbuilding Industry, the Private Shipyards have authorised Soermar to represent and dialogue in defence of their interests, actively collaborating with European, national and regional public administrations.
- Paseo de la Castellana nº 123, 6ºB, Escalera Derecha - 28046 - Madrid
- +34 91 556 27 00