Neuwalme S.L.

Vessel hull & dexk equipment

Neuwalme is a global provider of value-added motion solutions based on oleo-hydraulic, pneumatic and mechatronic technologies.

Founded in 1982 NEUWALME was born as a family business with private Spanish capital, dedicated to the sale of components for oleo-hydraulic and pneumatic applications.

Over the years the company has continuously grown and expanded its portfolio of products and services to become a global provider of value-added solutions in the fields of hydraulics, pneumatics, mechatronics and control, focusing on professional customers in different areas; automotive, shipbuilding, energy, equipment manufacturers, food, steel, etc.

CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICESEngineering, technical consultancy and inspectionsEngineering
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTGovernance systemsRudder (fixed and flap)
ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATIONManufacture of main, sub and control panelsTurnkey Manufacturing
ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATIONManufacture of main, sub and control panelsEngineering - Project elaboration
ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATIONManufacture of main, sub and control panelsSupply or Assembly of Materials, Equipment or ComponentsHydraulic power units for driving all types of on-board machinery. Assembly and manufacture of high and medium pressure hydraulic piping.
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTGovernance systemsSteering control systems (pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic, cable-mechanical, etc.)Supply of hydraulic power packs, pneumatic equipment for remote-controlled valve actuation, supply of hydraulic and pneumatic components.
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