

Finanzauto is the official distributor y servicio after-sales service in Spain for the world's largest manufacturer of heavy machinery and engines, Caterpillar Inc. As a result of this alliance, Finanzauto has grown from its birth in 1930 to currently have an extensive network of offices and branches throughout Spain.
Finanzauto es una empresa multi-especialista con un destacado rol como integradores de sistemas en múltiples sectores de la industria con servicio en toda España.
PROPULSION SYSTEMSTurnkey propulsion plant
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion engines (regardless of fuel type)
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsHybrid propulsion systems
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion componentsCouplings, clutches, turbos, etc.
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion system maintenance and repair companiesTappet, injection systems, brakes, tools, spare parts, etc.
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