Reparaciones Navales Díaz S.L.


Reparaciones Navales Díaz, S.L. is a family business founded in 1982 by its current manager, José Manuel Díaz Domínguez. For several years, it has worked closely with KHD, Deutz Service España, S.A., a subsidiary of the German multinational Klöner Humbolt Deutz AG, specialising in the installation, maintenance and repair of both marine and cogeneration engines.

In 2000, due to the increase in its activity, the company began the construction of new facilities at the Bouzas Repair Dock in Vigo, establishing its headquarters and modern workshops in 2002. These workshops are dedicated to the repair, reconditioning and sale of spare parts for various brands of diesel and gas engines.

Reparaciones Navales Díaz, S.L. is based on the principles of quality of service, commitment to the client and technical solvency, which has allowed it to maintain a balanced business volume and a solid reputation in the sector. The company is committed to acting with firmness and high standards, guaranteeing the satisfaction and trust of its clients, and maintaining a large portfolio of satisfied customers.

PROPULSION SYSTEMSTurnkey propulsion plant (regardless of the system)
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion engines (regardless of fuel type)
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion Systems Azimuthal propulsion
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsCycloidal-rotational propulsion
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsDiesel-electric propulsion
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsPropulsion by means of turbines
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsWaterjet propulsion
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion SystemsPump jet propulsion
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion components: general components, bearings.Couplings, clutches, turbos, etc.
PROPULSION SYSTEMSPropulsion system maintenance and repair companiesTappet, injection systems, brakes, tools, spare parts, etc.
AUXILIARY MACHINERYAuxiliary motors for various uses


  • Partial repairs and complete overhauls of engines of different brands. We can carry out work on site by sending the necessary personnel, or in our workshops.
  • Assembly and installation of engines.
  • Reconditioning of equipment, carried out under strict quality controls, for exchanges and replacements such as: cylinder heads, coolers, turbos, liners, valve boxes, injection pumps, water pumps, oil pumps, etc.
  • Cleaning of components by ultrasonic system and blasting system.
  • Grinding of cylinder block cylinder seat, cylinder seat, cylinder head and valve seat.
  • On-site machining of crankshaft support housings.
  • On-site machining of alternator shafts with addition of material.


  • Preventive and Corrective Maintenance according to manufacturer's plans and guidelines
  • Reconditioned equipment and engines fully guaranteed
  • Sale of spare parts and equipment for stationary engines
  • Sale of spare parts and equipment for stationary engines


  • Sale of spare parts for any model and brand of diesel and gas engines, for both marine and land applications.
  • Sale of new engines and equipment.
  • Sale of reconditioned engines and equipment at a highly competitive price and with a full quality guarantee.


  • Sale of spare parts for any model and brand of diesel and gas engines, for both marine and land applications.
  • Sale of new engines and equipment.
  • Venta de motores y equipos reacondicionados a precio altamente competitivo y con total garantía de calidad.
    • Trabajos para el reacondicionado:
      • Desmontaje: Se desarma pieza por pieza siguiendo el procedimiento del fabricante, separando de forma consecuente los materiales aprovechables.
      • Limpieza: Según las características de la pieza se realiza un proceso de limpieza u otro, como por ejemplo: limpieza por ultrasonidos o limpieza de chorreo por maquina de arena.
      • Comprobación: Todas las piezas deben superar los criterios de comprobación.  Por ese motivo, todas las piezas se analizan visual y funcionalmente, con lo cual cualquier daño se detecta de inmediato. Otros procedimientos de medición comprueban la exactitud dimensional de las piezas y fallos difíciles de detectar, como las fisuras capilares o la falta de estanqueidad.
        Si las piezas no superan los criterios de comprobación, se descartan.
      • Acondicionamiento: Todas las piezas reutilizables se reacondicionan  cumpliendo el 100 %  de las especificaciones.
      • Montaje: Todas las piezas inspeccionadas se ensamblan siguiendo los criterios del fabricante original.
        Antes del envío se comprueba cada pieza  para asegurar la máxima calidad, funcionalidad y durabilidad.
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