Detegasa - Desarrollo Técnicas Industriales de Galicia, S.A.

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A great team of qualified professionals, together with a strong network of partners, has made Detegasa become a recognised brand in the industry.
The company manufactures and ships its equipment anywhere in the world thanks to its international network of partners, ensuring an unrivalled customer experience.
Detegasa has been a pioneering manufacturer in the development of Digital Twins of the main products, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for crew training, equipment commissioning and the Internet of Things (IoT).
CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICESEngineering, technical consultancy and inspectionsEngineering
ACCOMMODATIONTreatment of waste, refuse and residuesIncineration plan, compactors, etc.
VESSEL-SPECIFIC SERVICESBallast and cleaning or treatment
VESSEL-SPECIFIC SERVICESSanitary A.S. A.D. and Waste WaterWastewater, greywater and sewage treatment plants
VESSEL-SPECIFIC SERVICESSanitary A.S. A.D. and Waste WaterVacuum systems
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