CT Ingenieros

Construction and repair services

CT is a leader in engineering across the entire product lifecycle. For more than 37 years, our mission has been to provide innovative services and technology solutions that help our customers become more effective and competitive. Today, CT's success is driven by more than 2,000 engineers in seven countries, providing comprehensive, specialized service to leading customers in the aerospace, space, marine, automotive, rail, energy and industrial plant sectors. www.ctengineeringgroup.com

CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICESEngineering, technical consultancy and inspectionsEngineering 
CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICESEngineering, technical consultancy and inspectionsTechnical consultancy (companies or technology centres) 
CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR SERVICESEngineering, technical consultancy and inspectionsInspections, monitoring and quality control (steels, welding, painting, testing, procedures, etc.) 
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