Camuyde S.L.

Enabling - Accomodation

Initially, they carried out assembly and fitting out work on the ships built in the Ferrol shipyards. The great growth of the shipbuilding industry in the north of Galicia supported the parallel development of the company, which progressively created infrastructures and expanded its workshops and work areas, first with metal and then with fibreglass. The latest expansion of its facilities took place in 2008 with the renovation of its wood workshops.

Today they are still dedicated to ship fitting as their main sector of activity, but they have diversified their services to meet the auxiliary needs of many other industries.

ACCOMMODATIONGeneral accommodation elementsFurniture
ACCOMMODATIONGeneral accommodation elementsSubfloors, floors, carpets, etc.
ACCOMMODATIONGeneral accommodation elementsAccommodation doors
ACCOMMODATIONTreatment of waste, refuse and residuesContainers, buckets, etc.
STRUCTUREElements and structural partsManufacture of idlers and other elements of the structure (belt, fenders, bulwarks, railings, guard rails, hatches)
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesSteel doors
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesWindows, portholes, louvres, etc.
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesHatches, manholes, ladders, etc.,. for own tanks
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTElements/AccessoriesOther elements/accessories: keyboards, floors, platforms, handrails, masts, etc.
HULL AND DECK ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTDeck equipmentPlanks, ladders, access ladders, etc.
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